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Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

CIAO (Program_Microsoft)

Adalah Program yang bernaung di bawah perusaaan raksasa "microsoft" yang membayar kita untuk melakukan review terhadap suatu produk. Yang jelas produk yang ditawarkan termasuk ringan,setelah di telusuri. program ini namanya CIAO. Seperti yang sudah saya katakan, ini adalah program paid to review. Lalu wajibkah untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris? Wajibkah juga untuk memiliki blog yang ber-pagerank tinggi untuk mengikuti program ini? Jawabannya adalah TIDAK. Anda bisa langsung menjadi anggota begitu selesai mendaftar dan melakukan review pertama. Setidaknya saya yakin program ini sangat menjanjikan. Bahkan kita bisa menghasilkan sampai $150 per bulannya.

Apakah program ini sungguhan, bukan SCAM? Saya pastikan juga bahwa program ini tidak SCAM karena bahkan perusahaan Microsoft membeli situs ini sehingga kredibilitasnya tidak diragukan lagi. Sebagai bukti, inilah bukti pembayaran Ciao kepada salah seorang membernya
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Selamat Bergabung dengan Ciao….

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Terobosan Baru

Trik menarik Uang tunai ini berlaku untuk semua nasabah BANK di Indonesia bisa menggunakan rahasia ini ! Mulai dari BCA, MANDIRI, NIAGA, BNI, LIPPOBANK, BRI, PERMATA, dsb. Sekali lagi semua nasabah BANK apapun yang ada di Indonesia bisa memakai rahasia hacking ini


Trik ini tidak lama lagi akan membuat anda berteriak sekuat mungkin seperti ini :

Bebaaaassss !!! bebas dari hutang, mau beli barang-barang mewah & belanja di supermarket tinggal gesek gratis ! Butuh uang tinggal ke ATM Hiduup bebaaaaasssss !!!! dunia ini serasa dalam genggaman tangan kita (^_^)

Saudara Saudara Sekalian

Beruntunglah anda yang telah membaca dan menemukan web ini.




"Rekan-rekan saya sekarang penghasilannya 10 juta - 50 juta perbulan setelah menjalankan SKRIP ini, Semua hanya dilakukan
Dari Rumah atau Warnet Di Depan Komputer Saja..."

Skrip yang saya ciptakan ini yang siapa saja bisa memanfaatkannya untuk memperoleh penghasilan melalui Internet. Ya, dengan modal lebih murah dari pada biaya makan Anda sekeluarga dan perlu melakukan beberapa langkah mudah saja, siapa saja bisa melakukannya. Skrip ini adalah suatu revolusi rahasia yang tidak pernah dilihat di Indonesia sebelumnya. Anda sekarang mempunyai peluang memperoleh penghasilan tetap secara sambilan dan boleh dilakukan di rumah Anda atau warnet. Anda yang tentukan waktu kerja Anda sendiri, bukan lagi atasan Anda...

Saya akan membocorkan Skrip rahasia saya kepada Anda. Kawan-kawan saya bilang saya gila karena mau membocorkan ini semua! Skrip ini telah membantu banyak orang memperoleh penghasilan yang hampir tidak bisa dipercaya. Banyak yang telah menggunakan Skrip rahasia saya untuk memperoleh penghasilan antara 20 juta sampai dengan 50 juta sebulan. Rahasia ini bukan saja berhasil untuk diri saya tetapi kepada siapa saja yang menggunakannya, asalkan bukan orang yang malas dan hanya mau berpangku tangan saja. Anda juga bisa memperoleh sebanyak ini jika betul-betul menggunakan mengikuti petunjuk yang saya berikan. Hasil yang diperoleh beda-beda setiap orang, mereka yang menentukan limitnya untuk diri mereka sendiri.

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Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

Darkness Visible - The Shadow in the Collective Unconscious

In last month's article I used the 14th century story-poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in my discussion. My continued reflections on the theme of death and renewal have led me back to the course I teach in British literature. As I teach different time periods, I have my students become familiar with the historical background of the period. To understand literature fully, one must see it in the context of the culture from which it comes. But at all times the best literature teaches us about our humanity. However, different time periods and movements approach our humanness from different perspectives.
Some of my students have just finished studying Alexander Pope's poem called "Essay on Man." Pope wrote during a period of the revival of classicism called the Age of Reason. During that time, the predominant theory was that all things could be worked out in the cold light of reason. Pope's essay in poetry form tries to analyze and describe mankind as he fits into the universe. He deals from an outer perspective comparing mankind to greater creatures, the divine, and lesser ones such as beasts. His poem is full of paradoxes.
Jung also dealt with the paradoxes of mankind but in a very different way. In his book, Mysterium Coniunctionis, which is a continuation of his work on the topic of medieval alchemy as a symbol of the individuation process, he talks of the symbolic meaning of salt as a catalyst in the process of one coming to know oneself and become more integrated. In his discussion he applauds Freud for calling attention to the "almost universal unconscious" when as he put it, "the danger of nationwide psychic epidemics...threatened Europe" around the time of WWII. He goes on to say:
What he [Freud] did not see was that the confrontation with the shadow is not just a harmless affair that can be settled by "reason." The shadow is the primitive who is still alive and active in civilized man, and our civilized reason means nothing to him. (Jung 253)
While Alexander Pope's lines full of paradoxes may have hinted at the shadow of mankind, they were descriptive of the predicament, but like Freud, approaching the problem of the shadow from a rational perspective, he did not give us any clues on dealing with it. Jung says that Freud underestimated the power of the shadow. In this context he was speaking of the shadow of the collective unconscious, particularly as it operates in mass-mindedness, such as the Nazi movement prior to WWII.

Darkness, melatonin may stall breast and prostate cancers

To stay healthy, the body needs its zzz’s. But independent of slumber, human health also appears to require plenty of darkness — especially at night. Or so suggests a pair of new cancer studies.
One found that among postmenopausal women, the lower the overnight production of melatonin — a brain hormone secreted at night, especially during darkness — the higher the incidence of breast cancer. The second study correlated elevated prostate cancer incidence around the world with places that have the brightest signatures of light in satellite imagery.
Trends seen in both studies bolster animal data indicating that natural nighttime peaks in blood concentrations of melatonin, which tend to occur during sleep, depress the growth of the hormonally sensitive cancers.
Light will depress the body’s natural secretion of that hormone, whether someone is awake or asleep.
In 2001, Eva S. Schernhammer of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and her colleagues found an elevated risk of breast cancer among women who worked night shifts. The data, gleaned from participants in the long-running Nurses’ Health Study, fit with the idea that the light encountered while working nocturnal hours would have suppressed the women’s melatonin production.
Melatonin data were not available for these nurses, however. So to test a melatonin link to cancer, more than 18,500 of the participating nurses were asked to collect their early morning urine on one occasion between 2000 and 2002 for a follow-up analysis.
Between then and 2006, 357 of the women who were not night-shift workers went on to develop breast cancer. Schernhammer and Susan E. Hankinson of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston then correlated melatonin concentrations in the urine from these women with the hormone’s overnight excretion by 533 nurses in the study who had remained cancer-free yet matched most of the characteristics of the first group, such as age and history of factors that could affect melatonin or cancer risk — including smoking or drinking.
In the January Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Schernhammer and Hankinson now report finding a drop in cancer risk as nighttime melatonin values rose. Compared to women at the lowest values, those in the highest showed a roughly two-thirds lower risk of developing breast cancer. Concludes Schernhammer, “We showed the natural variation in nighttime melatonin production predicts breast-cancer risk.”
“This is an important confirmatory study” linking melatonin and breast cancer, says David E. Blask of the Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. “Such epidemiological studies are associative; they can’t really determine causation,” he notes. But the more such data accumulate, “the stronger the case you can make — especially when you put it together with what we know from experimental studies about melatonin, light at night and breast cancer.”
His own studies showed that when scientists injected blood from women with normally high nighttime melatonin concentrations into human breast tumors implanted into rats, the growth of those tumors was suppressed. In contrast, blood from women who had been exposed to light at night — knocking down their melatonin concentrations — fueled the cancers’ growth.
Recently, his team has been conducting similar work on rats implanted with human prostate cancers. Blood from animals exposed to light at night fueled the tumor growth while blood rich in melatonin “dramatically decreased the tumor cells’ proliferative activity,” Blask reports. “We were able to block this effect,” he adds, with a drug that blocks the ability of melatonin to dock with its hormone receptor on cells. “So we know that the mechanism works through the melatonin receptor.”
Now an ecologic study finds implied support for a melatonin effect on prostate cancer in men. Three Israeli scientists teamed up with Richard Stevens, of the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, who originated the 1987 hypothesis linking melatonin suppression with cancer. The team analyzed U.S. nighttime global satellite imagery for 164 nations and correlated light emissions in each country — or in subregions of large countries — with incidence data for the three leading male cancers: prostate, lung and colon.
“We found a significant positive association between population exposure to light at night and incidence rates of prostate cancer, but no such association with lung cancer or colon cancer,” the team reports in the January Chronobiology International. Areas with the highest amounts of light at night had a prostate cancer rate more than double that in regions with the lowest average nighttime lighting.
“We predicted — and the data now say — that prostate cancer is quite strongly related to light at night,” Stevens says. He concludes that people must learn to respect their bodies’ need for darkness. That’s why he now advocates that people reduce in-home illumination after sundown as much as safety allows, especially in later hours.
Indeed, “With normal [indoor] room lighting at night, melatonin is suppressed in everybody," says Steven W. Lockley of Harvard Medical School in Boston. Onset of the hormone's secretion can be pushed about an hour-and-a-half later than would occur in the absence of light, he adds.
Turn the lights off and melatonin secretion rates will return to normal, he says. But health implications of a chronic, nightly shortfall of melatonin due to spending evenings in well lit rooms remain unknown, he observes, so it’s probably best to err on the side of keeping nighttime lighting dim.